Women On The Move - Aiken, SC
Note: Before signing up, please take a moment to read the WOTM terms and conditions, which include important details about refunds and guest policies. Just click the link below!
Women on the Move Terms and Conditions
Welcome aboard the bus to the charming town of Aiken, SC
Event Details:
Date: Saturday, January 11, 2025
7:45am - Check-in and board. Bus leaves from in Parkside Amenty Center (the Barn), near the Mail Center.
8:00am - Departure
10:30am - Arrive at the Aiken Visitors Center/Train Museum
A day of shopping, an historical tour and lunch
6:30pm - Arrive back home
Cost: $95 (non-refundable) Includes: bus charge, snacks, Trolley Tour, lunch and all gratuities.
Register today! Spaces are limited to 54 and seats will go fast. If the bus is full, PLEASE put your name on the waitlist.
Trip Details
Once at the Visitor Center, 1/2 the group will board a Trolley for a 90 min historical tour. Highlights include: equestrian sites, Civil War’s Battle of Aiken, Hopeland Gardens and the Thoroughbred Racing Hall of Fame and more.
The other 1/2 of the group will stroll down to Lauren’s street with quaint and unique shops finding lots of treasures to bring home.
Approx 12:15/12:30 we will all gather together for a group luncheon at Casa Bella. Set in an historical home, chef/owner Mike Iannello will delight you with some Italian specialties. Click here for the menu.
After lunch the morning groups will switch activities.
At 3:45 we will gather back at the Visitors Center/Train Museum where we will bid farewell to Aiken at 4:00. We will arrive back in Hampton Lake approximately 6:30.
Note: There will be NO rest stops along the route but the bus does have a facility on board.